Monday, February 17, 2014

Based on a doodle from my Sketchbook and inspired by Proko. Visit his youtube channel  for awesome tutorials on anatomy and lot more.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Entirely done in Autodesk Sketchbook Pro...lovely software!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

When I sketch a character, I also try to visualize a matching background for it. This helps me to think further about the character, creating a piece of story maybe.

Monday, February 3, 2014

These three are done in Micromax Doodle 2, not as half precise as Xolo Tegra but you can create staff never the less..!!

Flowpaper is a very creative and useful app. you can produce endless patterns which then can be enhanced in other apps.

flow paper

Both have been derived from Flow paper, finished in SBP.

Let's roll it then..!

this image is developed from a doodle from my sketch book, entirely done in Audodesk Sketchbook Pro

Hi There

Hi !  Thanks for stopping by, I am Chandan, An animation concept artist, storyteller and illustrator. Currently I am heading the animation design department in MIT institute of deign, Pune, India. In this space I would like to share my sketches and digital painting entirely done in tablet and mobile phones. As Android is getting better and better, and interesting drawings apps like Sketchbook pro and Infinite Painter are coming up, carrying an extremely portable digital sketchbook is becoming a reality. I personally find this opportunity very exciting. Currently I am using Micromax Doodle 2 and Xolo Tegra for all my art here. All the illustrations are done in native devices except otherwise mentioned. I hope you'll enjoy this blog,